7 Multilevel models, and repeated measures
Packages required (plus any dependencies)
DAAG lme4 afex MASS utils devtools qra glmmTMB DHARMa MEMSS forecast splines gamlss plotrix nlme
Additionally, knitr and Hmisc are required in order to process the Rmd source file.
::knitrSet(basename="mva", lang='markdown', fig.path="figs/g", w=7, h=7)
Hmisc<- options(digits=4, formatR.arrow=FALSE, width=70, scipen=999)
oldopt library(knitr)
## knitr::render_listings()
'set']](cache.path='cache-', out.width="80%", fig.align="center",
opts_chunk[[fig.show='hold', size="small", ps=10, strip.white = TRUE,
comment=NA, width=70, tidy.opts = list(replace.assign=FALSE))
Section 7.1 Corn yield data — analysis using aov()
Corn yield measurements example
<- within(DAAG::ant111b, Site <- reorder(site, harvwt, FUN=mean))
ant111b <- lattice::stripplot(Site ~ harvwt, data=ant111b,
gph xlab="Harvest weight of corn")
update(gph, par.settings=DAAG::DAAGtheme(color=FALSE), scales=list(tck=0.5))
<- DAAG::ant111b
ant111b <- aov(harvwt ~ 1 + Error(site), data=ant111b) ant111b.aov
Subsection 7.1.1: A More Formal Approach
Intra-class correlation
Section 7.2 Analysis using lme4::lmer()
<- lmer(harvwt ~ 1 + (1 | site), data=ant111b) ant111b.lmer
## Note that there is no degrees of freedom information.
print(ant111b.lmer, ranef.comp="Variance")
The processing of output from lmer()
Fitted values and residuals in lmer()
<- 0.578; s2L <- 2.37; n <- 4
s2W <- with(ant111b, sapply(split(harvwt, site), mean))
sitemeans <- mean(sitemeans)
grandmean <- (n*s2L)/(n*s2L+s2W)
shrinkage ## Check that fitted values equal BLUPs, and compare with site means
<- grandmean + shrinkage*(sitemeans - grandmean)
BLUP <- fitted(ant111b.lmer)[match(names(sitemeans), ant111b$site)]
BLUP <- grandmean + ranef(ant111b.lmer)$site[[1]] BLUP
rbind(BLUP=BLUP, sitemeans=sitemeans)
*Uncertainty in the parameter estimates — profile likelihood and alternatives
<- profile(ant111b.lmer)
prof.lmer <- confint(prof.lmer, level=0.95)
CI95 rbind("sigmaL^2"=CI95[1,]^2, "sigma^2"=CI95[2,]^2)
3,] CI95[
<- xyplot(prof.lmer, conf=c(50, 80, 95, 99)/100,
gph aspect=0.8, between=list(x=0.35))
update(gph, scales=list(tck=0.5), ylab="Normal deviate")
Section 7.3 Survey data, with clustering
## Means of like (data frame science: DAAG), by class
<- DAAG::science
science <- with(science, aggregate(like, by=list(PrivPub, Class), mean))
classmeans # NB: Class identifies classes independently of schools
# class identifies classes within schools
names(classmeans) <- c("PrivPub", "Class", "avlike")
<- bwplot(~avlike|PrivPub, layout=c(1,2), xlab="Average score",
gph panel=function(x,y,...){panel.bwplot(x,y,...)
panel.rug(x,y,...)}, data=classmeans)
update(gph, scales=list(tcl=0.4))
Subsection 7.3.1: Alternative models
<- DAAG::science
science <- lmer(like ~ sex + PrivPub + (1 | school) +
science.lmer 1 | school:class), data = science,
print(VarCorr(science.lmer), comp="Variance", digits=2)
print(coef(summary(science.lmer)), digits=2)
<- lmer(like ~ sex + PrivPub + (1 | school:class),
science1.lmer data = DAAG::science, na.action=na.exclude)
print(VarCorr(science1.lmer), comp="Variance", digits=3)
print(coef(summary(science1.lmer)), digits=2)
<- options(contrasts=c("contr.sum","contr.poly"))
opt # Change is otherwise made as and if required for individual factors
# prior to fitting model, and a warning message is generated.
::mixed(like ~ sex + PrivPub + (1 | school:class), method="KR", type=2,
afexdata = na.omit(science), sig_symbols=rep("",4), progress=FALSE)
options(opt) # Reset to previous contrasts setting
More detailed examination of the output
## Use profile likelihood
<- profile(science1.lmer, which="theta_")
pp # which="theta_": all random parameters
# which="beta_": fixed effect parameters
<- confint(pp, level=0.95)^2
var95 # Square to get variances in place of SDs
rownames(var95) <- c("sigma_Class^2", "sigma^2")
signif(var95, 3)
## Fit model and generate quantities that will be plotted
<- lmer(like ~ sex + PrivPub + (1 | school:class),
science1.lmer data = science, na.action=na.omit)
## Panel A: random site effects vs number in class
<- ranef(obj = science1.lmer, drop=TRUE)[["school:class"]]
ranf <- science1.lmer@flist[["school:class"]]
flist <- science[match(names(ranf), flist), "PrivPub"]
privpub <- unclass(table(flist)); numlabs <- pretty(num)
num ## Panel B: Within class variance estimates vs numbers
<- residuals(science1.lmer)
res <- tapply(res, INDEX=list(flist), FUN=var)*(num-1)/(num-2)
vars ## Panel C: Normal probability of random site effects (`ranf`)
## Panel D: Normal probability of residuals (`res`)
<- par(oma=c(0,0,1.5,0))
opar ## Panel A: Plot effect estimates vs number
<- "# in class (square root scale)"
xlab12 plot(sqrt(num), ranf, xaxt="n", pch=c(1,3)[as.numeric(privpub)], cex=0.8,
xlab=xlab12, ylab="Estimate of class effect", fg="gray")
=="private"], f=1.1), lty=2)
=="public"], f=1.1), lty=3)
ranf[privpubaxis(1, at=sqrt(numlabs), labels=paste(numlabs), lwd=0, lwd.ticks=1)
## Panel B: Within class variance estimates vs numbers
plot(sqrt(num), vars, pch=c(1,3)[unclass(privpub)], cex=0.8,
xlab=xlab12, ylab="Within-class variance", fg="gray")
as.vector(vars)[privpub=="private"], f=1.1), lty=2)
as.vector(vars)[privpub=="public"], f=1.1), lty=3)
## Panel C: Normal quantile-quantile plot of site effects
qqnorm(ranf, ylab="Ordered site effects", cex=0.8, main="",
col="gray40", fg="gray")
## Panel D: Normal quantile-quantile plot of residuals
qqnorm(res, ylab="Ordered w/i class residuals", cex=0.8, main="",
col="gray40", fg="gray")
par(fig = c(0, 1, 0, 1), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
new = TRUE)
plot(0, 0, type = "n", bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
legend(x="top", legend=c("Private ", "Public"), pch=c(1,3),
lwd=c(1,1), lty=2:3, cex=1.25,
xjust=0.5, yjust=0.8, horiz=TRUE, merge=FALSE, bty="n")
Subsection 7.3.2: Instructive, though faulty, analyses
Ignoring class as the random effect
<- lmer(like ~ sex + PrivPub + (1 | school),
science2.lmer data = science, na.action=na.exclude)
print(coef(summary(science2.lmer)), digits=3)
## NB: Output is misleading
print(VarCorr(science2.lmer), comp="Variance", digits=3)
Ignoring the random structure in the data
## Faulty analysis, using lm
<- lm(like ~ sex + PrivPub, data=science)
science.lm round(coef(summary(science.lm)), digits=4)
Subsection 7.3.3: Predictive accuracy
Section 7.4 A multilevel experimental design
::eqscplot(c(0,13),c(4.0,13),type="n",xlab="",ylab="", asp=1, axes=F)
MASS<- 0.1
eps <- 12
suby <-function(x=1,y=1,subp=0, suby=12){
vineslines(c(y,y,y+1,y+1,y), suby-c(x,x+1,x+1,x,x),lwd=0.5)
kfor(i in c(1,3,5,7)){k<-k+1; vines(1,i,c(3,1,0,2)[k])}
kfor(i in c(1,3,5,7)){k<-k+1; vines(4,i,c(2,1,0,3)[k])}
<- 0
k for(i in c(1,4,4,1)){k<-k+1
}lines(c(2*eps,2.85,NA,10.15,13-2*eps), suby-c(3,3,NA,3,3),lty=2)
-(c(1,5,5,1,1)+c(-eps,eps,eps,-eps,-eps)), lwd=1)
-c(c(1,2,2,1,1)+c(-eps,eps,eps,-eps,-eps)), lwd=1)
-c(c(1,2,2,1,1)+3+c(-eps,eps,eps,-eps,-eps)), lwd=1)
subytext(6.5,suby,"6 meters height artifical shelter belt")
text(0,suby-4,"9 meters height shelter belt", srt=90)
text(13,suby-4,"19 meters height shelter belt", srt=-90)
text(6.5,suby-8,"Willow shelter belt")
text(0.5,suby-6.5,"0 Unshaded \n1 Shaded Aug-Dec \n2 Dec-Feb \n3 Feb-May", adj=0)
text(6.5,suby-3,"16 meters height willow shelter belt")
<- c(4.75, 4.75-sqrt(3)*0.5)/6
offset arrows(x0=0,y0=12.1, x1=0+offset[1], y1=12.1+offset[2], length=0.15)
text(0.17, 12.55,"N")
Subsection 7.4.1: The analysis of variance (anova) table
## Analysis of variance: data frame kiwishade (DAAG)
<- DAAG::kiwishade
kiwishade <- aov(yield ~ shade + Error(block/shade),
kiwishade.aov data=kiwishade)
Subsection 7.4.2: Expected values of mean squares
model.tables(kiwishade.aov, type="means", cterms="shade")
## Calculate treatment means
with(kiwishade, sapply(split(yield, shade), mean))
Subsection 7.4.3: * The analysis of variance sums of squares breakdown
## For each plot, calculate mean, and differences from the mean
<- paste("vine", rep(1:4, 12), sep="")
vine <- seq(from=1, to=45, by=4)
vine1rows <- unstack(kiwishade, yield ~ vine)
kiwivines <- apply(kiwivines, 1, mean)
kiwimeans <- cbind(kiwishade[vine1rows, c("block","shade")],
kiwivines Mean=kiwimeans, kiwivines-kiwimeans)
<- with(kiwivines, kiwivines[order(block, shade), ])
kiwivines mean(kiwimeans) # the grand mean
<- DAAG::kiwishade
kiwishade <- with(kiwishade, aggregate(yield,by=list(block,shade),mean))
kiwimeans names(kiwimeans) <- c("block","shade","meanyield")
<- lm(meanyield~block+shade, data=kiwimeans)
plotmeans.lm <- predict(plotmeans.lm, type="terms")
effects <- lm(yield ~ block*shade, data=kiwishade)
kiwishade.lm <- c(effects[,"block"]/sqrt(2) * sqrt(16),
y "shade"]/sqrt(3) * sqrt(12),
effects[,residuals(plotmeans.lm)/sqrt(6) * sqrt(4),
<- rep(4:1, c(12, 12, 12, 48))
n <- rep(c("block effect\n(ms=86.2)", "shade\n(464.8)",
gps "plot\n(20.9)", "vine\n(12.2)"), c(12, 12, 12, 48))
<- factor(gps, levels = rev(c("block effect\n(ms=86.2)",
gps "shade\n(464.8)", "plot\n(20.9)", "vine\n(12.2)")))
<- sapply(split(y,gps), sd)
gps.sd <- sapply(split(y,gps), mean)
gps.av plot(range(y), range(n)+c(-0.5, 0.5), xlab="", ylab="", yaxt="n", type="n", fg="gray")
text(y, n+0.15, "|", cex=0.8, col=adjustcolor("black", alpha.f=0.5))
<- 1:4
un sapply(un, function(j){lines(gps.av[j]+c(-gps.sd[j], gps.sd[j]),
rep(j-0.15,2), col="gray")
-0.15+c(-.06, .06), col="gray")
-0.15+c(-.06, .06), col="gray")
})mtext(side=1,line=2.25, cex=0.9,
text="Variation in Yield (kg)\n(Add to grand mean of yield = 96.53)")
axis(2, at=1:4, labels=levels(gps), lwd=0, lwd.ticks=1)
Subsection 7.4.4: The variance components
Subsection 7.4.5: The mixed model analysis
<- lmer(yield ~ shade + (1|block) + (1|block:plot),
kiwishade.lmer data=kiwishade)
# block:shade is an alternative to block:plot
print(kiwishade.lmer, ranef.comp="Variance", digits=3)
Residuals and estimated effects
## Panel A
<- modifyList(DAAG::DAAGtheme(color=FALSE),
parsetA list(layout.heights=list(key.top=2.25, axis.top=.75)))
if (!exists("kiwishade.lmer"))
<- lme4::lmer(yield ~ shade + (1|block/shade), data=kiwishade)
kiwishade.lmer <- xyplot(residuals(kiwishade.lmer) ~ fitted(kiwishade.lmer)|block,
pk1 groups=shade, layout=c(3,1), par.strip.text=list(cex=1.0),
data=kiwishade, grid=TRUE,
xlab="Fitted values (Treatment + block + plot effects)",
main=list(label="A: Standardized residuals after fitting block and plot effects",
cex=1.05, x=0.01, y=0, font=1, just="left"),
auto.key=list(space='top', points=TRUE, columns=4))
print(update(pk1, scales=list(x=list(alternating=TRUE), tck=0.35),
par.settings=parsetA), position=c(0,.52,1,1))
## Panel B
<- ranef(kiwishade.lmer, drop=TRUE)[[1]]
ploteff <- names(sort(ploteff, decreasing=TRUE)[1:4])
nam <- modifyList(DAAG::DAAGtheme(color=FALSE),
parsetB list(layout.heights=list(axis.top=0.85)))
<- qqmath(ploteff, ylab="Plot effect estimates",
pk2 key=list(x=0, y=0.98, corner=c(0,1),
text=list(labels=nam, cex=0.65)),
main=list(label="B: Normal Q-Q plot of plot effects",
cex=1.05, x=0.01, y=0.25, font=1, just="left"),
xlab="Normal quantiles")
print(update(pk2, scales=list(tck=0.35), par.settings=parsetB),
newpage=FALSE, position=c(0,0,.5,.5))
## Panel C
<- simulate(kiwishade.lmer, nsim=3, seed=23)
simvals <- function(y)ranef(lme4::refit(kiwishade.lmer, y))[[1]]
simranef <- apply(simvals, 2, function(y) scale(simranef(y)))
simeff <- as.data.frame(simeff)
simeff <- qqmath(~ sim_1+sim_2+sim_3, data=simeff,
pk3 ylab="Simulated plot effects\n(2 sets, standardized)",
Qs=list(tck=0.35), aspect=1,
main=list(label="C: 3 simulations -- normal Q-Q plots",
x=0.01, y=0.25, cex=1.05, font=1, just="left"),
xlab="Normal quantiles")
print(update(pk3, scales=list(tck=0.35), par.settings=parsetB),
newpage=FALSE, position=c(0.48,0,1,.5))
with(kiwishade, sapply(split(yield, shade), mean))
Subsection 7.4.6: Predictive accuracy
Section 7.5 Within and between subject effects
<- within(DAAG::tinting, targtint <- paste(target,toupper(tint),sep=':'))
tinting <- bwplot(targtint~log(csoa) | sex*agegp, data=tinting, layout=c(4,1), between=list(x=0.25))
gphA <- list("A: Boxplots for `log(csoa)`, by combinations of `target` and `tint`",
mainA font=1, x=0.125, y=0.125, cex=1.0, just='left')
<- bwplot(targtint~log(it) | sex*agegp, data=tinting, layout=c(4,1), between=list(x=0.25))
gphB <- list("B: Boxplots for `log(it)`, by combinations of `target` and `tint`",
mainB font=1, x=0.125, y=0.125, cex=1.0, just='left')
print(update(gphA, main=mainA, xlab=""), position=c(0, 0.48, 1, 1.0), more=T)
print(update(gphB, main=mainB, xlab=""), position=c(0,0,1,0.52))
Subsection 7.5.1: Model selection
## Capitalize tinting$agegp
levels(tinting$agegp) <- R.utils::capitalize(levels(tinting$agegp))
## Fit all interactions: data frame tinting (DAAG)
<- lmer(log(it) ~ tint*target*agegp*sex + (1 | id),
it3.lmer data=DAAG::tinting, REML=FALSE)
<- lmer(log(it) ~ (tint+target+agegp+sex)^2 + (1 | id),
it2.lmer data=DAAG::tinting, REML=FALSE)
<- lmer(log(it)~(tint+target+agegp+sex) + (1 | id),
it1.lmer data=DAAG::tinting, REML=FALSE)
anova(it1.lmer, it2.lmer, it3.lmer)
## Code that gives the first four such plots, for the observed data
interaction.plot(tinting$tint, tinting$agegp, log(tinting$it))
interaction.plot(tinting$target, tinting$sex, log(tinting$it))
interaction.plot(tinting$tint, tinting$target, log(tinting$it))
interaction.plot(tinting$tint, tinting$sex, log(tinting$it))
Subsection 7.5.2: Estimates of model parameters
<- update(it2.lmer, REML=TRUE)
it2.reml print(coef(summary(it2.reml)), digits=2)
# NB: The final column, giving degrees of freedom, is not in the
# summary output. It is our addition.
<- with(tinting, match(unique(id), id))
subs with(tinting, table(sex[subs], agegp[subs]))
Section 7.6 A mixed model with a betabinomial error
Subsection 7.6.1: The betabinomial distribution
## devtools::install_github("jhmaindonald/qra") # Use if not found on CRAN
Source of data
<- within(as.data.frame(qra::HawCon), {
HawCon <- gsub("Fly", "", paste0(CN,LifestageTrt))
trtGp <- factor(trtGp, levels=sort(unique(trtGp))[c(1,5,2,6,3,7,4,8)])
trtGp <- paste0(CN,LifestageTrt,":",RepNumber)
trtGpRep <- scale(TrtTime) # Centering and scaling can help model fit
scTime })
## Load packages that will be used
suppressMessages(library(lme4)); suppressMessages(library(glmmTMB))
<- cbind(Dead,Live)~0+trtGp/TrtTime+(1|trtGpRep)
form ## Add the quadratic term from a degree 2 orthogonal polynomial
<- update(form, . ~ . + scale(scTime^2))
form2s ## Scale "corrections" to reduce risk of potential numerical problems
<- glmmTMB(form, dispformula=~trtGp+ns(scTime,2),
HCbb.cll family=glmmTMB::betabinomial(link="cloglog"), data=HawCon)
<- update(HCbb.cll, formula=form2s)
HCbb2s.cll <- glmmTMB(form, dispformula=~trtGp+ns(scTime,2),
HCbb.logit family=glmmTMB::betabinomial(link="logit"), data=HawCon)
<- update(HCbb.logit, formula=form2s) HCbb2s.logit
summary(HCbb2s.cll)$coefficients$cond["scale(scTime^2)",] ## CLL
summary(HCbb2s.logit)$coefficients$cond["scale(scTime^2)",] ## Logit
<- AIC(BB=HCbb.cll,HCbb2s.cll,HCbb.logit,HCbb2s.logit)
AICtab 'Details']] <- c(paste0('BB: Compl. log-log', c('', ', added curve')),
AICtab[[paste0('BB: Logit', c('', ', added curve')))
order(AICtab[["AIC"]]), ] AICtab[
<- expand.grid(trtGp=factor(levels(HawCon$trtGp), levels=levels(HawCon$trtGp)),
dat TrtTime=pretty(range(HawCon$TrtTime),15), trtGpRep=NA)
<- qra::getScaleCoef(HawCon$scTime)
ab $scTime <- with(dat,(TrtTime-ab[1])/ab[2])
dat<- predict(HCbb2s.cll, newdata=dat)
hatClog <- predict(HCbb2s.cll, se=T, newdata=dat)
hatClog <- predict(HCbb2s.logit, newdata=dat)
hatLgt <- predict(HCbb2s.logit, se=T, newdata=dat)
hatLgt <- cbind(rbind(dat,dat), link=rep(c('clog','logit'), rep(nrow(dat),2)))
dat2 <- within(dat2, {fit<-c(hatClog$fit,hatLgt$fit);
dat2 <-c(hatClog$se.fit,hatLgt$se.fit);
se.fit=rep(c('clog','logit'), rep(nrow(dat),2))})
link<- within(dat2, {lwr<-fit-2*se.fit; upr<-fit+2*se.fit})
dat2 library(lattice)
<- function(x, y, upper, lower, fill, col,
subscripts, ..., font, fontface)
{<- upper[subscripts]
upper <- lower[subscripts]
lower panel.lines(x,lower, ...)
panel.lines(x,upper, ...)
}<- function(x, y, ...){
panel2 panel.superpose(x, y, panel.groups = my.panel.bands, type='l', lty=3, alpha=0.25,...)
panel.xyplot(x, y, type='l', lwd=2, cex=0.6, ...)
}<- simpleTheme(col=rep(4:1,rep(2,4)), lty=rep(1:2, 4), lwd=2)
parset ## c('solid','1141')
<- c(.02,.2,.5,.8, .99, .999968)
p <- make.link('cloglog')$linkfun
cloglog <- make.link('logit')$linkfun
logit <- list(cloglog(p), logit(p))
fitpos <- paste(p)
lab <- list(cloglog(c(0.02, 0.99998)), logit(c(0.02, 0.99998)))
lim <- lapply(lim, function(x)c(x[1],x[1]+diff(x)*1.2))
<- xyplot(fit~TrtTime|link, outer=TRUE, data=dat2, groups=trtGp,
gph upper = dat2$upr, lower = dat2$lwr, panel = panel2,
xlab="Days in coolstorage", ylab="Fitted value",
auto.key=list(text=levels(HawCon$trtGp), columns=4,
points=FALSE, lines=TRUE),
par.settings=parset, layout=c(2,1),
at=fitpos, labels=lab, limits=lim), alternating=c(1,1)))
update(gph, strip=strip.custom(factor.levels=c("A: Complementary log-log link",
"B: Logit link")))
<- DAAG::DAAGtheme(color=TRUE, col.points=rep(1:4,rep(2,4)),
parset pch=rep(1:4,2), lwd=2)
$rho2clog <- qra::getRho(HCbb.cll)
HawCon$dispClog <- with(HawCon, 1+(Total-1)*rho2clog)
=c(expression("A: "*rho*", cloglog link"),expression("B: "*rho*", logit link"),
titlesexpression("C: Dispersion "*Phi*" (Panel A)"))
$rho2logit <- qra::getRho(HCbb.logit)
HawConxyplot(rho2clog+rho2logit+dispClog ~ TrtTime, groups=trtGp, data=HawCon,
outer=TRUE, between=list(x=0.25), par.settings=parset,
scales=list(x=list(alternating=FALSE,at=c(4,8,12), labels=paste(c(4,8,12))),
auto.key=list(columns=4, between.columns=2, between=1),
xlab="Days in coolstorage", ylab="Parameter Estimate",
Subsection 7.6.2: Diagnostic checks
## Code for plots, excluding main titles
<- DHARMa::simulateResiduals(HCbb.cll, n=250, seed=FALSE)
simRef ::plotQQunif(simRef)
DHARMatitle(main="A: Q-Q plot, quantile residuals", adj=0, line=2.5,
font.main=1, cex.main=1.25)
::plotResiduals(simRef, form=HawCon$trtGp)
DHARMaaxis(1, at=c(2,4,6,8), labels=levels(HawCon$trtGp)[c(2,4,6,8)],
gap.axis=0, line=1, lwd=0)
title(main="B: Boxplots comparing treatment groups", adj=0, line=2.5,
font.main=1, cex.main=1.25)
DHARMatitle(main="C: Plot against model predictions", adj=0, font.main=1, line=3.25,
::plotResiduals(simRef, form=HawCon$Total)
DHARMatitle(main="D: Plot against total number", adj=0, font.main=1, line=3.25,
Subsection 7.6.3: Lethal time estimates and confidence intervals
<- function(nam, leaveout=c('trtGp','Fly',':')){
shorten for(txt in leaveout){
<- gsub(txt,'', nam, fixed=TRUE)
nam }
<- qra::extractLT(p=0.99, obj=HCbb.cll, link="cloglog",
LTbb.cll a=1:8, b=9:16, eps=0, df.t=NULL)[,-2]
<- qra::extractLT(p=0.99, obj=HCbb.logit, link="logit",
LTbb.logit a=1:8, b=9:16, eps=0, offset=0,
rownames(LTbb.logit) <- shorten(rownames(LTbb.logit))
<- rownames(LTbb.cll)
gpNam <- order(LTbb.cll[,1])
ordEst <- c("blue","lightslateblue","blueviolet",'gray50','gray80')
col5 plotCI(1:8-0.1, y=LTbb.cll[ordEst,1], ui=LTbb.cll[ordEst,3],
li=LTbb.cll[ordEst,2], lwd=2, col=col5[1], xaxt="n",
fg="gray", xlab="", ylab="LT99 Estimate (days)",
xlim=c(0.8,8.2), ylim=c(0,19.5))
plotCI(1:8+0.1, y=LTbb.logit[ordEst,1], ui=LTbb.logit[ordEst,3],
li=LTbb.logit[ordEst,2], lwd=2, col=col5[2], xaxt="n", add=TRUE)
axis(1, labels=FALSE, tck=0.02, col.ticks="gray40")
text(x = 1:length(gpNam)+0.1,
## Move labels to just below bottom of chart.
y = par("usr")[3] - 0.8,
labels = gpNam[ordEst], ## Use names from the data list.
xpd = NA, ## Change the clipping region
srt = 45, ## Rotate the labels by 45 degrees.
adj = 0.95) ## Adjust the labels to almost 100% right-justified
legend("topleft", legend=c("BB-clog", "BB-logit"),
inset=c(0.01,0.01), lty=c(1,1), col=col5[1:2],
text.col=col5[1:2], bty="n",y.intersp=0.85)
<- glmmTMB(cbind(Dead,Live)~0+trtGp/TrtTime+(scTime|trtGp),
HCbin.cll family=binomial(link="cloglog"), data=HawCon)
<- qra::extractLT(p=0.99, obj=HCbin.cll,
LTbin.cll a=1:8, b=9:16, eps=0, df.t=NULL)[,-2]
Section 7.7 Observation level random effects — the moths
<- DAAG::moths
moths $transect <- 1:41 # Each row is from a different transect
moths$habitat <- relevel(moths$habitat, ref="Lowerside")
moths<- glmer(A~habitat+sqrt(meters)+(1|transect),
A.glmer family=poisson(link=sqrt), data=moths)
print(summary(A.glmer), show.resid=FALSE, correlation=FALSE, digits=3)
<- glm(A~habitat, data=moths, family=quasipoisson(link=sqrt))
A1quasi.glm <- gamlss(A ~ habitat + sqrt(meters), trace=FALSE,
Asqrt.lss family = NBI(mu.link='sqrt'), data = moths)
<- glmer(A~habitat+(1|transect), data=moths, family=poisson(link=sqrt)) A1.glmer
<- coef(summary(A1quasi.glm))
Cglm <- coef(summary(A1.glmer))
Cglmer <- cbind("quasi-Coef"=Cglm[-1,1], "quasi-SE"=Cglm[-1,2],
fitAll "NBI-Coef"=coef(Asqrt.lss)[2:8], "NBI-SE"=c(0.94,.41,.43,.51,.39,.53,.75),
"glmer-Coef"=Cglmer[-1,1], "glmer-SE"=Cglmer[-1,2])
rownames(fitAll) <- substring(rownames(fitAll),8)
round(fitAll, 2) # NB, all SEs are for the difference from 'Lowerside'
detach("package:glmmTMB", character.only=TRUE)
Section 7.8 Repeated measures in time
Subsection 7.8.1: Example – random variation between profiles
<- DAAG::humanpower1 humanpower1
## Plot points and fitted lines
xyplot(o2 ~ wattsPerKg, groups=id, data=humanpower1,
par.settings=DAAG::DAAGtheme(color=F), scales=list(tck=0.5),
<- fitted(lm(y ~ groups*x))
yhat panel.superpose(x, y, subscripts, groups, pch=1:5, cex=1.2)
panel.superpose(x, yhat, subscripts, groups, type="b", cex=0.5)
},auto.key=list(columns=5, lines=T),
xlab="Watts per kilogram",
ylab=expression("Oxygen intake ("*ml.min^{-1}*.kg^{-1}*")"))
Separate lines for different athletes
## Calculate intercepts and slopes; plot Slopes vs Intercepts
## Uses the function lmList() from the lme4 package
<- DAAG::humanpower1
humanpower1 <- lmList(o2 ~ wattsPerKg | id, data=humanpower1)
hp.lmList <- coef(hp.lmList)
coefs round(coefs,3)
c("Correlation between intercept and slope"=cor(coefs[,1],coefs[,2]))
A random coefficients model
<- lmer(o2 ~ wattsPerKg + (wattsPerKg | id), data=humanpower1) hp.lmer
<- lmer(o2 ~ wattsPerKg + (0+wattsPerKg | id), data=humanpower1)
hp.lmer print(summary(hp.lmer), digits=3)
sort(coef(lmList(o2 ~ wattsPerKg | id, data=humanpower1))[,1])
Subsection 7.8.2: Orthodontic measurements on children
<- MEMSS::Orthodont
Orthodont $logdist <- log(Orthodont$distance) Orthodont
## Plot showing pattern of change for each of the 25 individuals
<- xyplot(distance ~ age | Subject, groups=Sex, data=Orthodont,
gph scales=list(x=list(rot=90, tick.number=3), y=list(log=2), tck=0.5), type=c("p","r"),
update(gph, xlab=list("Age", cex=1.4), ylab=list("Distance", cex=1.4),
par.settings=DAAG::DAAGtheme(color=FALSE, fontsize=list(text=7, points=4)))
Preliminary data exploration
## Use lmList() to find the slopes
<- cbind(coef(lmList(distance ~ age | Subject, Orthodont)),
ab coef(lmList(logdist ~ age|Subject, data=Orthodont)))
names(ab) <- c("a", "b","alog","blog")
## Obtain intercept at x=mean(x)=11, for each subject.
## (For each subject, this is independent of the slope)
<- within(ab, {ybar = a + b*11; b=b; ylogbar = alog + blog * 11;
ab =blog; sex = substring(rownames(ab), 1 ,1)
})<- sapply(split(ab, ab$sex), function(z)range(z$b))
bySex <- with(ab, ybar %in% range(ybar) | b %in% bySex) extremes
<- function(x)range(x)+diff(range(x))*c(-0.015, 0.04)
fundiff <- sapply(subset(ab, select=c('ybar',"b","ylogbar","blog")), fundiff)
lims plot(b ~ ybar, col=c(F="gray40", M="black")[sex], data=ab,
fg="gray", xlim=lims[,"ybar"], ylim=lims[,"b"],
pch=c(F=1, M=3)[sex], xlab="Mean distance", ylab="Slope")
with(subset(ab, extremes), text(b ~ ybar,
labels=rownames(ab)[extremes], pos=4, xpd=TRUE))
mtext(side=3, line=0.75,"A: Profiles for distances", adj=0)
# Type 'qqnorm(ab$b)' to see the extent of M13's outlyingness
## For Panel B, repeat with logdist replacing distance
plot(blog ~ ylogbar, col=c(F="gray40", M="black")[sex], data=ab, fg="gray",
pch=c(F=1, M=3)[sex], xlim=lims[,"ylogbar"], ylim=lims[,"blog"],
xlab="Mean log distance", ylab="Slope")
with(subset(ab, extremes),
text(blog ~ ylogbar, labels=rownames(ab)[extremes], pos=4, xpd=TRUE))
mtext(side=3, line=0.75,"B: Logarithms of distances", adj=0)
## Compare male slopes with female slopes
<- match(c("M04","M13"), rownames(ab))
extreme.males with(ab[-extreme.males,],
t.test(blog[sex=="F"], blog[sex=="M"], var.equal=TRUE))
# Specify var.equal=TRUE, to allow comparison with anova output
A random coefficients model
<- !(Orthodont$Subject%in%c("M04","M13"))
keep $scAge <- with(Orthodont, age-11) ## Center values of age
Orthodont<- lmer(logdist ~ Sex * scAge + (scAge | Subject),
orthdiffx.lmer data=Orthodont, subset=keep)
<- lmer(logdist ~ Sex * scAge + (1 | Subject),
orthdiff.lmer data=Orthodont, subset=keep)
<- droplevels(subset(Orthodont, keep))
Orthodont2 <- options(contrasts=c("contr.sum","contr.poly"))
opt <- afex::mixed(logdist ~ Sex * scAge + (1 | Subject), type=2,
orthdiff.mixed method='S', data=Orthodont2)
## NB `type` refers to type of test, NOT `error` type.
options(opt) # Reset to previous contrasts setting
contrasts(Orthodont2[['Subject']]) <- 'contr.sum'
contrasts(Orthodont2[['Sex']]) <- 'contr.sum'
<- update(orthdiff.lmer, formula=. ~ . -Sex:scAge)
orthdiffa.lmer AIC(orthdiffa.lmer,orthdiff.lmer)
Correlation between successive times
<- resid(orthdiff.lmer)
res <- factor(Orthodont$Subject[keep])
Subject <- sapply(split(res, Subject),
orth.arma function(x)forecast::auto.arima(x)$arma[c(1,6,2)])
<- apply(orth.arma,2,sum)
orthsum >0] orth.arma[, orthsum
Fitting a sequential correlation structure
<- !(Orthodont$Subject%in%c("M04","M13"))
keep <- droplevels(subset(Orthodont,keep))
Orthodont2 <- lme(logdist ~ Sex * scAge, random = ~1|Subject,
orthdiff.lme cor=corCAR1(0.1, form=~1|Subject), data=Orthodont2)
## For AR1 models `phi` is the sequential correlation estimate
$modelStruct$corStruct orthdiff.lme
Section 7.9: Further notes on multilevel models
Subsection 7.9.1: Sources of variation – complication or focus of interest?
Subsection 7.9.2: Predictions from models with a complex error structure
Subsection 7.9.3: An historical perspective on multilevel models
Subsection 7.9.4: Meta-analysis
Subsection 7.9.5: Functional data analysis
Subsection 7.9.6: Error structure in explanatory variables
Exercises (7.12)
<- 2
n.omit <- rep(TRUE, 48)
take sample(1:48,2)] <- FALSE
take[<- lmer(yield ~ shade + (1|block) + (1|block:plot),
kiwishade.lmer data = kiwishade,subset=take)
<- VarCorr(kiwishade.lmer)
vcov print(vcov, comp="Variance")
<- lmer(ct ~ Cultivar + Dose + factor(year) +
cult.lmer -1 + Dose | gp), data = DAAG::sorption, REML=TRUE)
(<- lmer(ct ~ Cultivar/Dose + factor(year) +
cultdose.lmer -1 + Dose | gp), data = DAAG::sorption, REML=TRUE) (
<- knitr::knit_code$get()
code <- paste0("\n## ", names(code),"\n", sapply(code, paste, collapse='\n'))
txt writeLines(txt, con="/Users/johnm1/pkgs/PGRcode/inst/doc/ch7.R")