8  Answers to Selected Chapter 8 Exercises

Tree-based Classification and Regression


March 15, 2024


Exercise 1

Refer to the DAAG::headInjury data frame.

  1. Use the default setting in rpart() to obtain a tree-based model for predicting occurrence of clinically important brain injury, given the other variables.

  2. How many splits gives the minimum cross-validation error?

  3. Prune the tree using the 1 standard error rule.

set.seed(29)         ## Gives the results presented here
injury.rpart <- rpart(clinically.important.brain.injury ~ ., 
                      data=headInjury, method="class", cp=0.0001)

Classification tree:
rpart(formula = clinically.important.brain.injury ~ ., data = headInjury, 
    method = "class", cp = 1e-04)

Variables actually used in tree construction:
[1] age.65                amnesia.before        basal.skull.fracture 
[4] GCS.13                GCS.15.2hours         high.risk            
[7] loss.of.consciousness vomiting             

Root node error: 250/3121 = 0.080103

n= 3121 

      CP nsplit rel error xerror     xstd
1 0.0400      0     1.000  1.000 0.060660
2 0.0360      2     0.920  1.008 0.060881
3 0.0140      3     0.884  0.940 0.058965
4 0.0080      5     0.856  0.932 0.058734
5 0.0001     10     0.816  0.924 0.058502

The setting cp=0.0001 was reached after some experimentation.

  1. The minimum cross-validated relative error is for nsplit=3, i.e., for a tree size of 4.

  2. The one-standard-error rule likewise chooses nsplit=3, with cp=0.014. Setting cp=0.02, i.e., larger than cp for the next smallest number of splits, will prune the tree back to this size. We have

injury0.rpart <- prune(injury.rpart, cp=0.02)

We plot the tree from (a) that shows the cross-validated relative error, and the tree obtained from (c).

Plots are from the rpart analysis of the head injury data: (i) cross-validated relative error versus cp; and (ii) the tree obtained in (c).

There can be substantial change from one run to the next.

Exercise 2

The data set mifem is part of the larger data set in the data frame monica that we have included in our DAAG package. Use tree-based regression to predict mortality in this larger data set. What is the most immediately striking feature of your analysis? Should this be a surprise?

monica.rpart <- rpart(outcome ~ ., data=monica, method="class")

Those who were not hospitalized were very likely to be dead! Check by examining the table:

table(monica$hosp, monica$outcome)
    live dead
  y 3522  920
  n    3 1922

Exercise 3

Note: The second sentence of the exercise in the published text is a mistake. There is no multiple regression example with this dataset in Chapter 3, or for that matter elsewhere in the text. What follows is a replacement for the existing exercise.

Use qqnorm() to check differences from normality in nsw74psid1::re78. What do you notice? Use tree-based regression to predict re78, and check differences from normality in the distribution of residuals.
What do you notice about the tails of the distribution?

  1. Use the function car::powerTransform() with family='bcnPower' to search for a transformation that will bring the distribution of re78 closer to normality. Run summary on the output to get values (suitably rounded values are usually preferred) of lambda and gamma that you can then supply as arguments to car::bcnPower() to obtain transformed values tran78 of re78. Use qqnorm() with the transformed data to compare its distribution with a normal distribution. The distribution should now be much closer to normal, making the choice of splits that maximize the between-groups sum-of-squares sums of squares about the mean a more optimal procedure.

  2. Use tree-based regression to predict tran78, and check differences from normality in the distribution of residuals. What do you now notice about the tails of the distribution? What are the variable importance ranks i) if the tree is chosen that gives the minimum cross-validated error; ii) if the tree is chosen following the one standard error criterion? In each case, calculate the cross-validated relative error.

  3. Do a random forest fit to the transformed data, and compare the bootstrap error with then cross-validated error from the rpart fits.

In order to reproduce the same results as given here, do:


Code is:

re78.rpart <- rpart(re78~., data=DAAG::nsw74psid1, cp=0.001)

It is obvious that cp=0.0025 will be adequate. At this point, the following is a matter of convenience, to reduce the printed output:

re78.rpart2 <- prune(re78.rpart, cp=0.0025)

Regression tree:
rpart(formula = re78 ~ ., data = DAAG::nsw74psid1, cp = 0.001)

Variables actually used in tree construction:
[1] age  educ re74 re75

Root node error: 6.5346e+11/2675 = 244284318

n= 2675 

          CP nsplit rel error  xerror     xstd
1  0.3446296      0   1.00000 1.00035 0.046300
2  0.1100855      1   0.65537 0.66341 0.039166
3  0.0409403      2   0.54528 0.55609 0.033163
4  0.0317768      3   0.50434 0.51768 0.034633
5  0.0158188      4   0.47257 0.50415 0.035776
6  0.0105727      5   0.45675 0.48920 0.035591
7  0.0105337      6   0.44618 0.48465 0.035586
8  0.0063341      7   0.43564 0.47149 0.034168
9  0.0056603      8   0.42931 0.47158 0.034334
10 0.0038839      9   0.42365 0.46988 0.034652
11 0.0035516     10   0.41976 0.47717 0.035253
12 0.0031768     11   0.41621 0.48009 0.035351
13 0.0028300     12   0.41304 0.48099 0.035472
14 0.0027221     13   0.41021 0.47965 0.035585
15 0.0025000     15   0.40476 0.47885 0.035494

To minimize the cross-validated relative error, prune back to 9 splits. Thus e.g., set cp=0.0038.

We could prune before comparing the distribution of residuals to that for a normal distribution. However, that would make little difference to the pattern that we now see. Interested readers may care to check.

res <- resid(re78.rpart2)

The distribution of residuals is highly log-tailed, at both ends of the distribution. This makes the standard deviation an unsatisfactory measure of variation.

  1. The car::bcnPower transformation can be used for an initial transformation of re78 that provides a better starting point for the tree-based regression.
p2 <- car::powerTransform(nsw74psid1$re78, family='bcnPower') 
bcnPower transformation to Normality 

Estimated power, lambda
                Est Power Rounded Pwr Wald Lwr Bnd Wald Upr Bnd
nsw74psid1$re78    0.3436        0.33       0.2848       0.4025

Estimated location, gamma
                Est gamma Std Err. Wald Lower Bound Wald Upper Bound
nsw74psid1$re78  10604.01 708.1302         9216.072         11991.94

Likelihood ratio tests about transformation parameters
                            LRT df pval
LR test, lambda = (0)  89.16407  1    0
LR test, lambda = (1) 840.46368  1    0
tran78 <- car::bcnPower(nsw74psid1$re78, lambda=0.33, gamma=8000)
tran78a.rpart <- rpart(tran78~., data=DAAG::nsw74psid1[,-10], cp=0.002)

Regression tree:
rpart(formula = tran78 ~ ., data = DAAG::nsw74psid1[, -10], cp = 0.002)

Variables actually used in tree construction:
[1] age  educ re74 re75 trt 

Root node error: 925054/2675 = 345.81

n= 2675 

          CP nsplit rel error  xerror     xstd
1  0.3920121      0   1.00000 1.00037 0.024990
2  0.0775515      1   0.60799 0.60884 0.021418
3  0.0426766      2   0.53044 0.54006 0.020860
4  0.0200850      3   0.48776 0.51036 0.021665
5  0.0135415      4   0.46767 0.48870 0.021479
6  0.0069401      5   0.45413 0.47877 0.021806
7  0.0064537      6   0.44719 0.47545 0.022075
8  0.0046938      7   0.44074 0.46694 0.021907
9  0.0042900      8   0.43605 0.46489 0.021950
10 0.0040279      9   0.43176 0.46791 0.022266
11 0.0035599     10   0.42773 0.46378 0.022205
12 0.0032532     11   0.42417 0.46330 0.022355
13 0.0032107     12   0.42091 0.46416 0.022667
14 0.0030128     13   0.41770 0.46360 0.022646
15 0.0025576     14   0.41469 0.46184 0.022609
16 0.0024921     16   0.40958 0.45664 0.022579
17 0.0024719     17   0.40708 0.45811 0.022680
18 0.0024622     18   0.40461 0.45811 0.022680
19 0.0024387     19   0.40215 0.45792 0.022685
20 0.0023563     20   0.39971 0.45792 0.022699
21 0.0021091     21   0.39735 0.45478 0.022676
22 0.0020508     22   0.39525 0.45630 0.022656
23 0.0020102     23   0.39319 0.45630 0.022656
24 0.0020000     24   0.39118 0.45546 0.022646

The minimum cross-validated relative error is at nsplit=21. The one standard error limit is 0.477 (=0.45478 +0.022676, round to 3 d.p.). The one standard error rule suggests taking nsplit=6.

tran78se.rpart <- prune(tran78a.rpart, cp=0.0065)   ## 1 SE rule
tran78.rpart <- prune(tran78a.rpart, cp=0.0021)     ## Min xval rel error
res <- resid(tran78se.rpart)

The long tails have now gone.

Note that the root node error is given as 192.99. The cross-validated errors for the two trees are, rounded to one decimal place:

randomForest 4.7-1.1
Type rfNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes.
tran78.rf <- randomForest(y=tran78, x=DAAG::nsw74psid1[,-10])

 randomForest(x = DAAG::nsw74psid1[, -10], y = tran78) 
               Type of random forest: regression
                     Number of trees: 500
No. of variables tried at each split: 3

          Mean of squared residuals: 140.2498
                    % Var explained: 59.44

The mean of the squared residuals is given as 140.2498427. This is substantially larger than either of the cross-validated errors that are given above from the tree created using rpart(). With only a small number of variables used in tree construction, ::: {.colbox data-latex=““} ::: {data-latex=”“} Exercise 4 ::: The complete email spam dataset is available from https://archive.ics.uci.edu/dataset/94/spambase or from the bayesreg package. Carry out a tree-based regression using all 57 available explanatory variables. Determine the change in the cross-validation estimate of predictive accuracy. ::: We set the random number seed to 21, to allow users to reproduce our results. In most other contexts, it will be best not to set a seed.

data('spambase', package='bayesreg')
## For ease of labeling output, specify short names.  
## Use the following, or do, e.g., nam <- c(paste0('v',1:57), 'yesno')
nam <- c("make", "address", "all", "threeD", "our", "over", "remove", 
"internet", "order", "mail", "receive", "will", "people", "report", 
"addresses", "free", "business", "email", "you", "credit", "your", 
"font", "n000", "money", "hp", "hpl", "george", "n650", "lab", 
"labs", "telnet", "n857", "data", "n415", "n85", "technology", 
"n1999", "parts", "pm", "direct", "cs", "meeting", "original", 
"project", "re", "edu", "table", "conference", "semicolon", "leftparen", 
"leftbrack", "bang", "dollar", "hash", "crl.av", "crl.long", 
"crl.tot", "yesno")
names(spambase) <- nam

Now load rpart and proceed with the calculations.

spam.rpart <- rpart(yesno~., data=spambase, cp=0.0001, method="class")

Classification tree:
rpart(formula = yesno ~ ., data = spambase, method = "class", 
    cp = 1e-04)

Variables actually used in tree construction:
 [1] address    addresses  all        bang       business   conference
 [7] credit     crl.av     crl.long   crl.tot    cs         direct    
[13] dollar     edu        email      font       free       george    
[19] hash       hp         hpl        internet   lab        labs      
[25] leftbrack  leftparen  mail       make       money      n1999     
[31] n415       n650       n857       order      original   over      
[37] parts      people     pm         receive    remove     report    
[43] table      threeD     will       you        your      

Root node error: 4486/4601 = 0.97501

n= 4601 

           CP nsplit rel error  xerror      xstd
1  0.00587011      0   1.00000 1.00000 0.0023604
2  0.00222916      3   0.98239 0.98373 0.0029934
3  0.00217343      4   0.98016 0.98417 0.0029781
4  0.00200624      9   0.96879 0.98417 0.0029781
5  0.00156041     11   0.96478 0.97994 0.0031198
6  0.00133749     15   0.95854 0.97303 0.0033355
7  0.00118888     16   0.95720 0.96991 0.0034275
8  0.00111458     20   0.95230 0.96634 0.0035290
9  0.00104027     29   0.94226 0.96589 0.0035414
10 0.00100312     32   0.93914 0.96567 0.0035476
11 0.00094739     34   0.93714 0.96322 0.0036148
12 0.00089166     38   0.93335 0.96099 0.0036745
13 0.00085451     42   0.92978 0.96010 0.0036981
14 0.00080250     48   0.92465 0.95854 0.0037388
15 0.00078021     53   0.92064 0.95698 0.0037789
16 0.00075791     55   0.91908 0.95586 0.0038073
17 0.00074305     69   0.90816 0.95586 0.0038073
18 0.00066875     85   0.89523 0.95074 0.0039341
19 0.00059444    110   0.87829 0.94739 0.0040139
20 0.00057958    114   0.87584 0.94516 0.0040658
21 0.00055729    119   0.87294 0.94583 0.0040504
22 0.00052014    127   0.86848 0.94583 0.0040504
23 0.00044583    130   0.86692 0.93914 0.0042017
24 0.00039010    193   0.83794 0.93981 0.0041869
25 0.00037153    197   0.83638 0.93981 0.0041869
26 0.00035667    209   0.83148 0.93981 0.0041869
27 0.00033437    214   0.82969 0.93981 0.0041869
28 0.00027864    218   0.82835 0.93959 0.0041919
29 0.00022292    226   0.82613 0.93959 0.0041919
30 0.00011146    241   0.82278 0.93781 0.0042311
31 0.00010000    243   0.82256 0.93803 0.0042262

Figure @ref(spam) shows the plot of cross-validated relative error versus cp, for the full spam data set. For making a decision on the size of tree however, it is convenient to work from the information given by the function printcp().


Setting cp=0.0001 ensures, when the random number seed is set to 21, that the cross-validated relative error reaches a minimum, of 0.1958, at nsplit=43. Pruning to get the tree that is likely to have best predictive power can use cp=0.001. Adding the SE to the minimum cross-validated relative error gives 0.2. The smallest tree with an SE smaller than this is at nsplit=36; setting cp=0.0012 will give this tree.

Here then are the two prunings:

spam.rpart1 <- prune(spam.rpart, cp=0.001)  # Minimum predicted error
spam.rpart2 <- prune(spam.rpart, cp=0.0012) # 1 SE pruning